Sunday 15 March 2015

Visual Language: Set, Series, Sequence

This was the very first brief we were set as part of Visual Language. The brief stated that we had to pick from a range of words, and then we would produce 32 drawings that are linked to that word. For example, I chose the word flight so I then had to draw 32 drawings that are linked to that word such as a drawing of Superman. Below are the drawings I produced...

I found this task very difficult, I feel this might be down to technique. To me, my brain doesn't work in a way similar to some of my peers where an endless amount of creativity can be given from something quite vague, and that is what we had to do. Others seemed to fit the project because the way they work is incredibly creative and they love briefs where they are given a huge amount of freedom to create anything. Whereas, when I'm working on a project like this, maybe down to lack of imagination/intelligence, I can't think that wide open. So my drawings ended up as the more obvious choices; for example, when I chose the word flight, I drew drawings of planes and Superman. Whereas I would look at the work my peers were creating and they'd pick the word plant for example and draw something like a nuclear power-plant.

These kinds of briefs are the ones I really struggle with because they encourage you to think of loads of ideas very quickly. That is why I do not get on with the initial idea part of a project where things like mind maps come into play, because the way my brain works is I spend a while thinking of an idea I like and then massively develop that idea, I rarely like to create many initial ideas, basically because I can't think of any.

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