To me the show has peaked, there isn't a particular series to me that comes to mind, just every so often there's a masterpiece of an episode. What I love about this show is yes it's incredibly crude with it's rigid paper cutout animation style, it's incredibly rude with endless fart gags and many consider it incredibly offensive; it seems like every week the creators think up someone knew to annoy. But it always has a point to make.

To me it's not like something like Family Guy where its rude gags, rude gags and if you look underneath it all to try to find some sort of beating heart, you're just going to find more gags. In South Park, something I've only come aware of in the past five or so years is that if you look past the crudeness and approach it with an intelligent perspective you will see that every episode has a point to make.

My favourite episode of South Park is probably Imagination Land where terrorists bomb the magical world of the kids imagination and after chaos unfolds the US government think about the possibility of nuking Imagination Land for good. Now many people who might be slightly stubborn might just see this episode as plain offensive because Trey Parker and Matt Stone (the show's creators) are having terrorists blow up stuff in a cartoon. But I hope most intelligent people will understand the point of that episode, to me anyway is that terrorism has become such a massive thing in the public eye that so much hysteria has been created it's almost successfully invaded our imaginations.
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