Tuesday 19 May 2015

Maya Modelling: Keep on Truckin'

As a studio task we had to learn basic principles about how to use the 3D animating software Maya. It was fair to say I didn't get along with this software at all. I've always hads an interest in creating 3D animation as I would love to go work for Pixar. But I just could not get my head around how to use this software at all. I love 2D traditional animation because it is all drawing but I found Maya to be a lot more about moulding objects, like a virtual ceramics.

The first task was to create a truck. Even this, with very simple straight forward instruction I found very hard to get my head around. I basically completely messed up the truck I was trying to create in class so decided to reattempt it again at home. But even at home after having tried top do it once it still took a few hours to do.

The above image is of my final truck. I wasn't particularly happy with it. I couldn't even frame the picture properly but it's finished and now I can move on having felt like iI've learnt the very basic principles about how to use the software.

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