Wednesday 11 February 2015

Visual Language: Take 5 Part Three

Perhaps the animation I felt was the most successful was my animation for the sound 031. I was very intrigued by this sound and to me it brought me back to a weekend I spent in Manchester. My friend had a basement in his house and a green strobe light. The light was silent but I feel if it did have a sound, sound 031 would be the noise it would make.

Initially I was working with a pink highlighter on layout paper.

At this point in time I new I wanted to invert all of my frames to create that strobe light effect, but I had no idea that the light would turn the exact green colour the actual strobe light was in my friend's house.

(Above) Strobe light from my friend's house

The strobe light object in my animation

Admittedly whenever I'm creating these animations there is always to me a sense of gambling. I can plan how long my animation in frames is going to be and compare that to the sound file but at the end of the day there is no way to be absolutely sure if the animation will match up with the sound. In this case though I feel I was lucky that it matches up pretty well with the sound whereas in my other animations, to me, the sound and the animation do not flow as well.

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