Tuesday 10 February 2015

Visual Language: Take 5 Feedback

I have to say, I did not get on with this project at the start. I believe for some of us, it was the ideal project. I feel like my imagination does not work in quite the way it needed to to approach this project. Some people I believe were very suited to it because it allowed them to be free to be completely creative and imaginative and create amazing things. I more like working with characters and stories so approaching this project where it all has to be abstract was a challenge.

But upon reflection, I found that actually I got on with this project a lot better than I thought. Initially I was not confident about presenting my work. But after receiving positive feedback I became a lot prouder of some of the animations I created. In particular the fourth animation I created for sound 031 received very positive feedback. It was my personal favourite too and it seems fitting that it also took the longest to create, in total around six hours. Olly responded that it was nearly perfect and generally really liked it and from looking at my feedback post it notes, the general consensus is that it was the favourite.

One of the criticisms I received was regarding my second animation, 013. The problem the viewers had with it was that they did not understand the face in the background or why it was spit-screen.

After receiving all my feedback I am a lot happier with my final animations and have learnt new skills such as not approaching briefs too literally. At the end of the day there are no right or wrong answers but the way in which I approached each sound I believe it was a lot more successful in some of my animations than in others.

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