Sunday 28 December 2014

Elements Animation Development: 18th December

So since I last blogged I have been mainly working on layout paper so these frames are sketched out first then scanned into the computer. Next the lines on each frame are drawn over with the pen tool to give each frame a nice bold line so it doesn't look like each frame has been sketched out with a pencil.

The frames I am currently working on are the frames in which the girl jumps off the swing and runs off screen. We've these frames they all look good as a sequence so I am now in the process of tidying them up by going over them with the pen tool on Photoshop. This process is taking a lot longer than I had hoped and I have only done 11.

The other frames I am working on are the frames in which grass grows and covers the teddy bear to the point where we cannot see it anymore. (Just a quick side note; I believe I have solved the problem of 'wouldn't the girl just rediscover her teddy bear after losing it if its only at the back of her garden?' 

Because, now in the story I had the idea that the element of earth, not only is alive but also aware of its existence and the existence of others around it. Earth hides the teddy bear from the young girl in an attempt to teach her the lesson of being responsible for her things. Then 10 years later earth uncovers the teddy bear for the girl who is now around the age of 19 who is now old enough and mature enough to be responsible for her things.

Anyway the shot is an aerial shot of the teddy bear and we are watching as grass over takes it... As you can imagine there are a lot of grass blades to animate, a lot of grass blades. All moving at the same time it isn't too complicated, it is just very time consuming.

I feel that I am getting more and more behind as the deadline is fast approaching. I think that in order to finish this thing in time I am going to have to change my techniques and processes for animating. Either I stop retracing my lines on Photoshop which is a hugely time consuming process. Or I abandon the idea of coloring all 240 frames which is probably the more likely outcome.

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