Thursday 20 April 2017

Extended Practice: Belated Weekly Blogpost

Production is moving faster than before and I feel that the process is beginning to snowball. Above is the animatic document in which I am placing all of my final clips. The highlighted clips are what I've animated in the last week and to my astonishment, it's almost half of my final clips. I would immediately think that's down to this week being very intense on the workflow and the rest of the time I've simply taken it easy, but that just isn't the case. I did know that in this week I would complete a lot of clips due to many of the clips being rather simple and containing minimal movement. However, not all the clips were simple.

For example the above shot was my second shot to feature both characters on screen at the same time. This shot was complicated because it featured a walk cycle, and not just a simple walk cycle and both characters needed to react to each other in that they needed to track each other's movements. The first time I animated a shot that featured both characters on screen it took a week to complete. This time it took two days and if I really wanted to, I could have just about finished the shot in one day. This is evidence to me that my workflow is picking up and as I get to better grips with the software Animate CC I am also figuring out shortcuts I can take to save myself time.

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