Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Responsive Collaborative: Time Keeping Issues

Unfortunately we missed the actual YCN deadline for the MSC brief. This was mainly down to our time keeping skills. At the start of the project we both felt like since Laura and I were housemates that this would benefit us down the line. Since she would always be in like the next room, we would never really have to arrange meetings or have any problems with contact. But we ended up being too relaxed about scheduling time to work on the brief and ended up finding ourselves pushed for time. Furthermore we found that due to scheduling conflicts we often wouldn't end up seeing each other till the very end of the day, so like 9pm when we have already both worked a full day on separate briefs so were too tired to think about this collaborative brief. I also underestimated how much time it would take to produce the traditional hand drawn animation part of the video. Obviously in the past two years I have gotten a lot quicker at animating traditionally as it is the technique I most enjoy and feel comfortable with working. But I think I promised too much and ended up having to fall back on far less animation than I was initially wanting to produce so I blame myself for that as Laura is not an animator so did not know how much time it would take me to produce the animation. Thankfully she was very sympathetic and understanding of this. I have learnt for next time to not undertake too much and also to plan out my time more effectively so I don't end up with too much work to do too close to the deadline.

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