Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Extended Practice: Analysis of Scene Mid shot - Reading newspaper, my first scene with a coloured pencil background

I wanted to talk about this scene because it is the first that includes the coloured pencil background of which Lucy is 13 in and I'm also very happy with it. I feel like I don't have any complaints with Lucy's physical animation in this scene which is quite miraculous considering it's the very first I've animated of her at that age, but to me she has the physicality of a 13 year old.

This scene was heavily referenced because it was a scene I needed to get right. I chose to animate it first and not animate the first coloured pencil scene in my storyboard to keep to a chronological order because I feel this shot is integral to the story and one of the defining moments in the animation. The reason for this is because it is the moment Lucy's opinion of her father changes forever so I needed that look of her world being turned upside down to reflect her emotions.

Originally I was going to animate her breaking down on screen, so tears and everything. But in the end, I wanted to be more subtle than that. I'd kept to a certain level of subtlety throughout the whole animation so if I were to change that now I would not be staying true to the point of this animation. Therefore, we only see her immediate reaction, everything after that is left up to audience interpretation, does she breakdown? That's up to the viewer to decide.

Wing did an excellent job at acting out the role of Lucy for this shot and the reference material turned out to be incredibly useful, not just from a technical standpoint with animating her opening the newspaper but also it was useful son I could truly capture her facial emotions.

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